Your heart works hard to power your body, beating 100,000 times a day on average*. An EKG device can quickly and effectively measure the rhythm and strength of those beats. So, if your heart experiences abnormal activity, it’s important to monitor it regularly. With OMRON EKG devices, you can track your heart’s health with confidence.

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Atrial Fibrillation

  • Overview

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) has become much more common in the United States and continues to grow, with millions of Americans living with the condition. Many more are unaware they even have it.** For people with this or other types of arrhythmias, an at-home EKG device is a great way to closely monitor their cardiac health. OMRON offers two clinically-validated, mobile-friendly EKG devices that help patients with AFib, bradycardia, tachycardia, and other types of arrhythmias record their heart rhythms with ease. Additionally, “Track and Share” features included in OMRON EKG devices empower patients to provide medical-grade EKG data directly to their doctors, leading to more informed discussions at the doctor’s office.

*About Arrhythmia. The American Heart Association.
**Who is at Risk for Atrial Fibrillation? The American Heart Association.